Crown Exploration

Standing strong on a 27-year foundation of experience and expertise, the team of professionals at Crown Exploration is committed to a tradition of excellence.

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Who We Are

For the Accredited Investor looking to diversify their portfolio with valuable tax advantages and potential monthly income, Crown Exploration offers Oil and Gas interests through a FINRA-Registered Broker-Dealer. For almost 3 decades, Crown has set itself apart from other exploration companies by applying new technology to proven areas, keeping its investors consistently informed, and proudly upholding industry standards.


Success in the Field

Since its inception, Crown has specialized in the evaluation, acquisition, and drilling of positions in properties with likely, but not certain, positive cash flow. Our wells now number more than 227+ in 38 counties across Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Montana. Most recently, we have not only developed promising fields in the panhandle of Texas, but also widened our scope to include wells in the Niobrara formation in Colorado and the Nisku formation in Montana. 

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    Years of History for Crown Exploration

    In 1997, Crown was a brash newcomer in hot spots like the Barnett Shale, an area bustling with aggressive entrepreneurs and corporate explorers. Put in its simplest terms, our strategy was to work smarter and harder. With the help of Venturers who believed in our credentials, Crown invested in exploratory wells and leased mineral rights to promising properties.

  • Over the Course of the 2000s

    In these early years, Crown developed what would become long-term relationships with energy industry contacts and hired professional staff members that remained dedicated to not only a good reputation but also a tradition of excellence. From geologists and landmen out in the field to investor relations and accounting staff in the office, Crown recruited and retained the very best in the business. In fact, more than 2/3 of our employees have worked with us for 18+ years.

  • More than 27 Years Later

    Today, Crown continues to strategically drill by applying modern technology to older producing areas. Whether it's offsetting key wells, using multiple-stage fracture techniques, or drilling deeper than before, Crown's strategies are being used to produce at proven intervals, in multiple formations across the United States.  With the introduction of horizontal and fracture technology advances, Crown has identified several domestic areas for further potential development.

  • In the Future

    Crown will continue to set itself apart from other Oil and Gas exploration companies by applying new technology to already proven areas. With more than 27 years of valuable industry experience, Venturers can trust that they will benefit from professional knowledge, joint resources, valuable tax advantages, potential monthly returns, and consistent communication. In the years to come, Crown will proudly hold up to unparalleled industry standards and stand strong on a commitment to excellence.

Contact Us To Invest

Don’t hesitate to contact us. We value open communication, and we’re happy to answer questions anytime.